Thursday, April 16, 2009

BC - Thu, 4/16/09

How can Adam flip off his phone just like that just because Krystal just said some damaging stuff about David. You'd think he'd want to hang around via phone to find out what ELSE is going to be said and what the decision actually IS. For all he knows, Junior Junior will be put into the foster system for a very long time. That's NOT what happened, but Adam doesn't know that.

David really DOES seem to be attached to Krystal. It's hard to believe it, but he's playing it (at least lately) as if he really loves her or THINKS he loves her. I see it merely as another way to hold onto Babe, but he may have convinced himself that really loves Krystal.

Erica asks Joe if he's noticed any changes in Adam's personality. Joes says no, he's just as onery as ever. Why didn't Erica just SAY she has noticed some personality changes? That might be a CLUE, you know and it might point to a need for some specific test (psychiatric testing, too). Just because Adam doesn't want to admit it doesn't mean it isn't so and she knows for a FACT that he IS acting oddly. I suppose she DID tell Joe that, in a roundabout way, but he clearly didn't pick up on it.

Erica throws Adam's pants into the hallway and someone almost trips on them (good timing on both their parts). Then the guy (dressed in scrubs) just keeps on going, leaving the pants in the hall for someone ELSE to trip on.

Adam modestly hold the back of his gown closed as he goes into the hallway to pick up his pants (that are still being ignored by the numerous people who walk by), turns his back to the wall so no one will see his ass hanging out, then holds it closed as he shuffles back into his room (I liked the realistic touch of the hospital socks with the treads on them). Why did he hold his gown shut in the back? PV hospital gowns are ALWAYS sewn up in the back all the way to at LEAST the mid-back, so there was no need for him to hold it closed. Sometimes they even DOUBLE-UP on the gowns. The gowns don't even have snaps on the shoulders for easy access (but at least he didn't pretend that they DID). Then he takes his pants and starts to put them on, facing the open doorway, not bothering to close the door or curtain. Was he planning to give buffalo shots to whomever happened to walk by?

Kendall acts like she's already divorced. The fact that she SIGNED the papers does NOT mean that she is divorced. It only means that she signed them. They have to be FILED with the County Clerk or Hall of Records or whatever it's called there. The divorce isn't final until the STATE/COMMONWEALTH gets around to finalizing the paperwork and making it official.

Robin "If Zach decides not to file the signed papers, it doesn't happen" Coutellier

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