Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BC - Tue, 3/17/09

Did I hear that right? Do we FINALLY know the reason why Aidan has been SOOOO interested in Annie? Zach said: "Take Ryan down, THEN we'll deal with Annie." Well, I guess that's not REALLY a reason. Zach may be setting things up to help her or he may be setting things up to hurt her, or maybe he could care less about that situation except that Aidan is going to help him take Ryan down and wants Zach to help with Annie (one way or the other) in return.

As much as I like Petey, he seems kind of amoral. He'll help Adam bring down Babe's perfume by physically hurting people, he lets Opal have a bad reaction (yeah, he feels bad about it, but not enough to come clean so that she even KNOWS she drank something that is CLEARLY causing an allergic reaction), nor does he come clean when Greenlee has a reaction to it. Then he sides with Aidan to take down Ryan simply because Aidan paid him some money so he can take Colby on dates now that he has become poor. He's pretty wishy-washy. As lovable, funny and endearing as Petey is, how are we supposed to view his lack of values? He WAS a conniving little kid during the Nanny Kendall days, so it's not necessarily out-of-character, especially since we haven't really seen much of him over the years to even figure out WHAT kind of character he has.

Frankly, I was thinking they would eventually debut the adult Petey as a super-conniving (not to mention very smart) adult who DELIBERATELY caused a lot of havoc, just for fun and to get his own way. OR they could have debuted him as someone who outgrew that. The very nerdy young man who seems to take his cues from older adult men in his life (and from Colby), who cares about people one minute but not the next doesn't really gel ... with anything. You just KNOW he'll team up with David at some point to concoct some potion or other. As I said, he's seems very likeable. Maybe he's a conscienceless sociopath and the next serial killer to hit the canvas. His obsession with Colby could be just that -- an obsession.

Annnnnndddd ... here comes the grief sex. Again. And you KNOW that's not even Greenlee that was in the morgue. How do we know that? Because it's a soap and they aren't going to wait for results. Even if Ryan HAD looked under the cover, the body would have been WAAAY too bloated and decomposed to have been Greenlee. Given the competence of pretty much ANY given "professional" on the show, I wouldn't be surprised if the corpse was a MAN and the staff didn't notice because of all the decomp, hungry fishies, etc.

Robin "are we going to be re-subjected to Kendall whipping out a pregnancy test box at every conceivable moment -- again?" Coutellier

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