Friday, September 26, 2008

BC - Thu, 9/25/08

My sister Sharlene says that Kendall needs to go back into a coma for a while to give us a little break. After seeing how Kendall acted regarding Annie saving Little Adam from choking, I have to agree -- to a point; after all, even when Kendall was in a COMA she wouldn't stop yammering for even a second in her own mind (and ours)!

Sharlene also said that Petey is rich and needs to get Lasik surgery! As we discussed previously, there are pros and cons and not everyone is eligible for that kind of surgery. That said, this is PINE VALLEY, where people recover from bulletholes, gaping wounds and even heart transplant surgery without so much as a scar, all within a few days (although Dixie DID go around with a mark on her arm from the bullet wound for quite a while). Petey could EASILY have Lasik surgery with no lingering effects other than to make him look more like a young Johnny Depp (or occasionally like the angelic Ferris Bueller when he's trying to ingratiate himself).

Personally, I kind of like it when a cute guy wears glasses because then the only time he takes them off is when he's about to get naked. I have a kind of Pavlov response to that ;-)

Is it my imagination or is Annie's hair a little darker today?

Adam says his safe can't be opened without three separate codes -- BULLSHIT! People have ripped off his safe on many occasions (and even some legitimate occasions) and they sure as hell didn't put in three separate codes -- I'd be surprised if they had to enter three separate DIGITS.

Annie proclaims that she NEEDS Emma. Kendall jumps in and nastily says: "And what about what EMMA needs? Did you ever ONCE stop to think about THAT???" Uh, excuse me? This from the woman who only one or two nights ago angrily took her toddler out of his nice warm bed and out into a raging thunderstorm in order to cheer up his despondent father. Who was Kendall thinking about THEN? It certainly wasn't SPIKE.

Robin "Kendall sees the light, but how long will it be before she has another mental power outage?" Coutellier

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