Thursday, October 2, 2008

BC - Mon, 9/29/08

I do have ONE comment about Friday's show: OH PUH-LEEZE!!! NO doctor in this day and age would EVER give the results of a medical test for someone to some flunky in her office (or the CEO, for that matter) over the telephone!

Just how braindead IS Kendall that she thinks she can make an excuse about meeting Greenlee for drinks (trashing the plans she and Zach already had) when she's really going down to the police station to ... what? Be there for Ryan? And she REALLY thinks Zach won't figure this out?

What kind of idiot IS Taylor to wait until the very MOMENT she is called into the doctor's office to take a tranquilizer, however mild? Oh, that's right -- a PINE VALLEY Idiot. I think there is some sort of beam that people cross through when they enter town that automatically deducts at least 50 points from their IQs.

Did anyone else notice that during Taylor's interview with the shrink her pupils were sort of dilated? Now THAT is method acting! I would think it would be difficult to keep pupils dilated under studio lights.

Did you catch the way Jake told Amanda he liked her "A LOT"? It was VERY reminiscent of the way Jim Carrey's character in "Dumb and Dumber" stumbled over the words as he told that to the girl of his dreams who, coincidentally, was played by Lauren Holly, who played Julie Rand Chandler Kelly on AMC back in the late 1980s.

Why would Annie WANT to stay at the Chandler's after the way Adam treated her, rightly or wrongly?

Robin "she must have an ulcer burning a hole in her stomach at THIS point" Coutellier

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