Friday, September 12, 2008

BC - Tue, 9/9/08, Part Two

Continuing with my full update of Tuesday's episode ...


Frankie walks into the bedroom where Taylor is sitting on the edge of a bed that's so short it HAS to be made for a 3-yr-old. She picks up something (a container of some sort) to throw at the intruder. He tells her to take it easy and thinks she may be going for her piece. She counters by asking him what he was thinking busting in on her like that. [I want to know why he busted in on her, too. He never heard of knocking, even on a yacht? How about just yelling? He says she should be resting her foot.

Taylor recovers from Frankie's rude arrival and tells him he looks like crap. He informs her of his redeployment orders. Taylor is overcome with joy on his behalf, calling him a lucky bastard and throwing herself into his arms to punctuate her congratulations on his exceptional good fortune. She then gives him an extra jerky hug that makes me wonder if she was trying to crack his back or if she just needed a quick grind. Frankie doesn't look NEARLY as happy about his news as she is.

Taylor brings them some bottles of ... whatever [Pine Valley Beer?] to celebrate. She is SOOOO psyched for him and his fantastic good luck! She wants him to tell her ALL about it! He said he doesn't know yet -- he just got the papers and he had to peel his mom off the ceiling. She dismisses that as irrelevant -- you know how civilians are. He laments that his dad just rejoined the living and now he has to turn around and say see ya later, Pop? She says Jesse is a cop who gets it and he'll have Frankie's back, so it's all cool. She says SHE should be deployed with him and they could go together -- he should go to her doc and INSIST on it -- it would be PERFECT!

Frankie looks at Taylor like she's out of her mind and taps on his temple, saying: "Migraine! Right HERE!" [I'm thinking that if were REALLY a migraine, he wouldn't be tapping on it] He did his tour of duty -- it's DONE and he should have to go again. She tells him to stop making it sound like prison -- she HATES that! He grouses that he has a LIFE here. He says he can't talk to anyone about it because all they want to do is fix it for him. She surmises that he then came to her because he knew she would kick him in the ass and tell him to GET ON THAT PLANE! He says he came to her because she was the only one that was there with him. He says he is DONE -- INSIDE! No more guns, not more killing, no more heat, no more dust, no more seeing our guys -- OUR GUYS -- coming back with no arms, no legs, no lower intestines -- he's DONE! He does NOT want to go back to war!

Taylor stares at Frankie. It's the kind of look you give someone when you are trying to convey that they KNOW what they have to do. Frankie tells her to just STOP it. She gets up from the bed and asks him what she's supposed to stop. Stop telling him that this is a job? That this is why God BLESSED him with Brains and POWER and common sense so that he could be over there saving his brothers' lives! Frankie: "My discharge papers said I was DONE." She asks if the guys that are still there don't deserve to have him with them. Taylor: "THIS is the JOB! They give us orders and WE follow them! They tell us 'You're going' and we say 'Yes SIR!' Why don't you just SUCK IT UP and acknowledge that you have the HONOR of serving your COUNTRY?" He says it was an honor that was fulfilled -- he's SERVED his country. She proudly asserts that he now has the privilege of doing it again. Frankie tells her to just make sure she stays off that foot, and then he leaves. Taylor stares after him.

Taylor hears noises outside (it sounds like boats rocking against the dock, or something like that). She again flashes back to the sounds of bombs, missiles and guns going off. She holds out her hand and cannot keep it from shaking. She winces and hears the sound of a woman (herself?) screaming. She holds her hands over her ears to stop the noise.


Ignoring the rules about cellphones in hospitals, Jesse gives some vague orders to someone, presumably one of his officers. Angie and the statuesque nurse walk up. The nurse departs and Angie, now calm, notes that he waited. She reiterates how much she hates the danger Frankie will face and wonders how it is that she's so afraid, yet Jesse is so calm. Jesse quips that Frankie gets it from HIM (referring to her blaming him earlier for Frankie being so willing to go back). Angie apologizes, saying she didn't mean it. Jesse said she DID mean it, and that's okay -- Frankie is a SOLDIER -- when orders come in, you have to comply -- that's the way it works. He's sorry he wasn't there when the papers came in, though. She said the papers came in like a ton of bricks. Angie starts to tear up again.

Angie wonders where Jesse was when the papers DID come in -- she had called him at the station because she thought he was supposed to be there. [What, she's never heard of a cellphone -- he was using it when she walked up to him] Jesse remembers a conversation. We hear him saying "You're right -- we have to meet." He then tells Angie that there are other things he hasn't told her. She gently urges him to tell her now.

After a slight interruption for hospital business, Angie again asks Jesse to tell her where he was when she called. He hems and haws a bit, then pulls her out of the corridor and into a room. He says when he was gone (committed), he would see the staff in white and he would imagine HER. With tears glistening in her eyes, she takes his hands and tells him he doesn't have to tell the world about his breakdown. She tells him she aches for him, but he SURVIVED all those years and got himself help; she's proud of him and how he hung on. Jess looks like he's going to break into tears at any moment. She says she thanks GOD for those doctors and nurses and ANYONE who kept him in one piece in the last 20 years. They kept him strong so he could come back to them!

Jesse reluctantly says that after he told her about that time he didn't go to the station like he said he would. [Now HE looks like the one with a migraine] She says that if he needs her to help deal with the memories, she wants to, but if he needs time, he should take it and then come back to her. She lovingly kisses his cheek and they hug.

Angie wishes she wasn't so ANGRY. Jesse says she gets angry when she's scared -- Frankie knows that and knows that she loves him. She nods and starts to cry. She moves like she's trying not to pee her pants as she says she's just SO SCARED! She just wants to shout to the Army, to the President: "LEAVE MY SON ALONE!!!" Jesse bends down to her level and tells her that if Frankie goes, he'll (Jesse) will be there with her this time. They'll email and send packages and put up a big WELCOME HOME sign when he comes back home. She sniffles and nods, trying to reassure herself that he WILL come home. Jesse agains says that he'll be there WITH her. They hug some more.


Petey, still dressed in his formal clothes (sans jacket) throws pebbles (or rocks) at Colby's window. [Given the way he's throwing them and the noises them make, I vote for rocks] Annie suddenly starts to open the patio doors from the inside and Petey quickly takes cover behind a retaining wall. She walks over to some prominently displayed green lilies growing off to the side and then inexplicably shrugs out of her robe and lets it drop to the ground. Presumably she is now naked. She sashays over to the pool and jumps or dives in. Petey watches, open-mouthed. If I'm not mistaken, he's also displaying a slight sheen of sweat.

A while later she exits the water and puts her robe back on, sniffling from the water. Considering that her makeup is entirely intact, I'm not really buying the "just out of the pool" thing. Petey sneezes, startling her. She wheels and demands to know who is there. He steps out, looking sheepish. He says it's just him and not to worry, he SWEARS he did not see her swimming naked. She narrows her eyes as she walks over to him and asks: "Then how did you know I was swimming naked?" He says he saw her walk out and when she suddenly took off her robe he panicked and dove into the bushes. She has an "Oh REALLY?" look on her face. He doesn't want her to think he's some kind of sicko or anything. Her look now says: "Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiight ..." He nervously says he was just chillen there. He sucks his finger and sticks it in the air, saying it's nice weather. He stops babbling and begs her not to think he's some kind of weirdo. She takes pity on him and tells him that it's okay and she believes him. He's surprised (and relieved). She smells the lilies some more and then says he's probably wishing it was Colby. He laughs and says not, Colby's not CRAZY enough to get naked and ... [oops] ""No--uh-- no--Not that it's 'crazy'!", he stammers. She patiently tells him that it's okay and she won't tell anyone he's out there. [At this point I'm thinking she SAW him out there and deliberately staged the whole thing for his benefit.

Annie playfully slaps Petey on the arm (or possibly his hip -- it's hard to tell) and notes that he's really into Colby, but she guesses Colby is NOT on his wavelength. He says no, but she IS, deep down. She won't admit it, but she's TOTALLY in denial. He candidly says: "What girl is going to admit she likes the nerd?" He says that's HIM -- he's the guy you call when your computer has a meltdown, not when you want a hot night out. He earnestly says it's tough when you WANT someone and you KNOW they want you, but their just resisting it, you know? Annie nods and says she does. She leans forward and tells him to stick with her advice -- whatever he does, do NOT give up. She smiles.

Annie paces and says sometimes people deny their feelings because they don't have faith in themselves. Petey asks how you convince them. She smiles and says you have to give them a little push to make them realize that you're the one that they want. He says he gets the metaphor, but, in practice, how does he push Colby? She sits, makes some sounds like a scolding squirrel for a moment, and then suggests that he surprise her. Inspired, she takes off his glasses and says he looks like a whole new man. He says he wouldn't know -- he's as blind as a bat without the glasses and contacts just make his eyes look red and scary-looking. She assures him that he looks Very, VERY attractive without them. He says he'd be risking his life walking around without them (he waves his hands in front of him, presumably indicating he can't even see them). She nods and says that sometimes you have to take that chance. She slaps him again and tells him good night and good luck with Colby. She goes back in. Dazed, he thanks her. He tries to find his glasses and has to get on his knees to feel around for them on the table. Fortunately for him she didn't take them with her.

A little while later, Annie goes into her room, running her hands through her wet hair. She's surpised to find Richie still on her bed. He mimics every sappy romance plot every written and, sounding like a cheerleader, says: "When it comes to LOVE, sometimes you just gotta take a CHANCE!" Then he says: "Pardon me while I blow CHUNKS all over this room!" [LOL!] He wants to know why she keeps hanging around with that little twit -- she already has the bruises she needs; lucky for her that she turns black and blue with the softest grip, because Opal's little pansy son couldn't cause any real damage. She takes a deep breath and says it's all part of the plan. She needs to get everything set up right with Ryan so that when Greenlee dies, he'll cry in her arms at the funeral. She looks quite please with herself.


Ryan is sitting on his hog yanking his helmet off as his cellphone rings. He looks at the display, answers it and says he's not in the mood. Then he says: "Don't say life or death unless you mean it."


Zach asks a minion with an exceptionally well-shaved head why they haven't found Josh yet. The minion says they have six teams looking for him and they WILL find him. Zach instructs them as to places to look, including Erica's suite at the Yacht Club. Erica walks in and informs him that the Yacht Club is HER territory, and if he goes near HER suite, Security will just toss him out right on his ear. [if it's the same security company that handles the rest of the places in Pine Valley, they'll probably open his car door and CARRY him into her suite. Zach dismisses his minion (who is probably the BOSS of whatever team Zach has to go out and kill people, so it's not like he's a total peon). [The bald guy looks odd. I wonder if maybe he doesn't have any eyebrows like Ed Begley Jr's character on Arrested Development. Really, his head is SOOO smooth that I wonder if he has some sort of alopecia condition. As he leaves the room, I realize that he just has REALLY blonde or grayish-white eyebrows and probably the same color lashes.]

Zach greets Erica and politely asks her how he can help her. She says he's mighty calm for someone who is so bent on revenge. He tells her that whatever she thinks she knows about the casino business, Josh did what he did and it's on his head now. She asks him if he thinks it's wise to take on his wife's entire family. He says Josh isn't going to hide behind Erica or Kendall forever -- he started this battle and he WILL lose. Steely-eyed, she tells him to think again.

Zach offers Erica a beverage. She reminds him that the topic is her son. He says the topic is done and there's no room for discussion. She ridicules him, saying "WHO does that work on? Of COURSE there'll be DISCUSSION -- we are discussing MY SON, Josh -- leave him alone!" Zach reminds her that Josh stole from him, which means that Josh stole from her daughter. She says that's not the point. He says no it's not, because it's not HER company. He says that when she started New Beginnings and hired Josh as the new producer and he wanted her out of the way, HE (Zach) got the point -- he got STABBED, remember? She takes a moment to collect herself and says that THAT was a mistake, and if he's looking to blame someone, he should blame HER [well, she WAS the one wielding the knife (with LIME JUICE on it, to boot -- that HAD to sting!), and if he's so hellbent on punishing someone, there she is. He says it has nothing to do with her -- his problem is with Josh, who is a big boy and can handle it. He walks away.

Erica turns and switches from a tough attitude to a beseeching one. She says she and he share a very special bond -- they both LOVE Kendall and the boys -- it's a bond that's almost impossible to break. But if he goes after Josh, he WILL break that bond. Zach says his job is to protect this family. She blurts out that Josh is PART of his family! He disagrees. Josh betrayed him -- he's not family anymore.

A little while later Zach is ushering a administrative person out of his office and he shuts the door. Erica asks him if the woman has any idea of the kind of man she works for. He says he made Josh his right-hand man. Zach has some trust issues, so Erica must know that wasn't easy for him. Erica: "And then he stole from you." Zach drinks more whiskey and says: "We agree on SOMETHING." Erica says that whether Josh did or didn't do it, it's irrelevant. Zach is surprised. He says she and Kendall have that same bizarre perspective and he doesn't even know what that MEANS. She whirls and asks if she has to BEG him. Does he respond to threats, maybe? He wants to know why everyone wants to threaten him -- what did HE do? He says that Kendall is talking about taking the kids and he hopes she reconsiders, because their family is the MOST important thing to him. [He's sounding more like Michael Corleone by the minute] He asks what HER threat is.

Erica says that love makes concessions and love TRIES to understand. Zach thinks a moment and then says that what she feels for Josh is not LOVE -- it's GUILT. She narrows her eyes [there it is AGAIN] and rears back, saying he has NO IDEA how she feels! He points out that she spent a lot more years without him than with him and he thinks she'll survive. She tells him he's gone too far. He's gone too far in the past and the repercussions NEVER end. So who or WHAT is going to get destroyed in the bargain THIS time? His relationship with Kendall? Zach says that's ENOUGH. He'll deal with Josh HIMSELF.


Kendall fingers her cellphone as Josh tells her that they don't have time for this because Zach's thugs are probably on their way over there. There's a knock at the door. Kendall closes her phone and goes for the door. Josh [foolishly, IMO] is standing in front of louvered doors to the outside. He dives for the little room to hide. Kendall opens the door to find Ryan. He saunters in and asks what's wrong. Josh walks out of the little room and informs Ryan that Zach tried to have Aidan killed in the southern Sudan and he's next. Ryan asks what he did to Zach. Josh asks if it matters. Kendall chimes in that it was something really bad -- so huge that she might not forgive him. Ryan really doesn't give a flying f**k and asks why HE'S there. Kendall juts her chin toward Josh and says: "Because you can't betray family and think life will just GO ON." Josh: "WHAT??? Are you SELLING ME OUT???" Kendall turns back to Ryan and says she needs him to help make Josh disappear. They all take turns staring at each other.

Josh tells Kendall that they DON'T need Ryan in this. Kendall says they don't know what Zach's goons will do to to impress Zach. She waves her arms around. [All I can think of is what perfect targets they are since you can see floor to ceiling through all the louvered doors and windows which take up at least two walls. It's nighttime, the room is brightly lit and they appear to be on the first floor (I don't know if there ARE any higher floors). I keep thinking of that scene in Godfather II when Michael and Kay are shot at in their bedroom at Lake Tahoe (and their lights were OFF). She says that if he goes out there alone, she can't protect him -- they NEED Ryan! She walks over to Ryan and asks if he can do for Josh what Zach once did for HIM (i.e., fake his death and make it possible to start a new life with a new identity). Ryan thinks for a moment and says no. Ryan has been completely calm and much more low-key than usual for the entire show.

Josh blows up and says they are doing this on purpose to stall him so that Zach's goons will have time to come and get him. Ryan rolls his eyes and says he can work most of it himself, but he'll need somebody with a few more connections, like maybe Tad. Josh shakes his head and says "NO! NO WAY! NOT TAD!" [I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that he KNOWS Tad was the one who buried Greg Madden alive] Ryan calmly (he really doesn't seem to give a shit whether Josh gets out of this or not) says: "Wow, you're asking a lot, aren't ya?" Greenlee suggests Aidan. Ryan gives her an "Are you f**king KIDDING me?" look. She says she doesn't CARE what Aidan did to Ryan's face. Josh is being a really asshole about all of this. He snidely tells Kendall: "If Hubby finds out, you might be the NEXT one off to the Sudan." Kendall narrows her eyes (there's a lot of that going on) as she walks over to him and says that HE turned on ZACH -- on THEM! If he ever, EVER implies again that her husband would HURT her ... Josh asks WHAT? She'll have him fitted for concrete shoes? He tells her to stand in line. She points out that they don't HAVE to save his ass -- they can hand him right over to Zach and forget they ever knew him. He looks searchingly at her and says: "Can you?"

A while later, Erica and Zach walk into her suite at the Yacht Club. Erica is surprised to see Kendall and Ryan there, and Zach demands to know where Josh is. Kendall says he's somewhere where Zach can't find him [I'm thinking the potted plant behind her] Erica can't believe they just let him leave. Ryan gives her his word that Josh is perfectly safe [maybe he's in the safe]. Zach says this is NOT a game. Ryan, still acting like he doesn't particularly give a flying f**k, says that's why Zach won't be able to track him down. Looking determined, Zach says that Ryan made a mistake. He walks away and makes a phone call. Erica is dismayed that she was unable to say goodbye to Josh. Ryan asks Zach if he wants restitution for what Josh took from him. Zach: "Yeah. And I'll GET it." Ryan: "Yeah. But not from Josh. You'll get it from me."

Robin "and now back to your semi-regularly scheduled Boogie Chillens" Coutellier

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