Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BC - Mon, 9/8/08

In case, like me, you could not understand a word Aidan said when Greenlee came out into the living room in the middle of the night (no matter HOW many times you replayed it), he said: "Can I hear you walking somewhere?" Honestly, it was like that commercial where the stain on the guy's shirt keeps talking gibberish.

When Erica told Samuel: "It's not your poll numbers I'm worried about ..." how many thousands (if not MILLIONS) of people watching filled in the rest of the sentence with some form of "It's your POLE"?

There were some books piled on something behind the sofa in Greenlee's living room. The one on top was entitled: "The Art Of Giving". Given everything that we know about Greenlee and everything that we know about Aidan, what word or words should come after that? The middle book was harder to make out, but I think it starts out with "Treasures of the ___" that last part of a word could be Modern or Moon or Woods or something else entirely. The bottom book looks like it could be a book called "CHIM - The Monographs of ___", which is probably this book. That one was the most difficult to make out, though, so maybe it was called CHUM: My Relationship With Ryan or CHUM: That's Good Eatin'! or CHIM: Stick Your Head In The Fireplace and Look Up to See What That Smell Is.

I'm really surprised that Kendall didn't come back with something about the fact that SHE was never meant to be born, either since she was the result of a rape of a 14-yr-old. It also took YEARS for her and Erica to come to terms with each other when Kendall showed up as a very young woman and for them to form a mother/daughter bond. I have mixed feelings about Josh's angst here. On the one hand, they NEVER should have put forth the ridiculous unaborted fetus storyline in the first place. On the other hand, since they HAVE, it's only natural that he should be having an emotional crisis over it -- that's a HELL of a thing to have to come to terms with. There is also the unfinished business with Tad killing Dr. Madden. Or maybe Josh is okay with that at this point. It's a shame they're painting him into a corner this way and, as others have noted, it's totally out of left field and out of character for him. I don't think it's that out of character for him to embezzle money, but not from Kendall and Zach.

When Kendall was looking at the security monitor which showed Josh and the two henchmen from an overhead camera, she was probably thinking: "That's funny -- I never noticed that Josh had a bald spot before."

Robin "looking forward to Annie going COMPLETELY around the bend" Coutellier

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