Wednesday, September 3, 2008

BC - Tue, 9/2/08

Kendall has a lot of nerve getting on Amanda's ass about the press conference/launch party about something for which they only have a name, no focus groups, testing, etc., and almost NO advance notice. Kendall, herself, has done the same thing. They RARELY have ANY of those things done before throwing lavish [CHOKE!] parties in their dinky, dingy little office.

JAR says Emma is almost Little A's age. No she's not. She's 7 years old and Little Adam is 3 years old -- that's a HUGE difference at those ages. Unless, of course, they SORASed Little A when he left the room -- JAR made it sound like Emma was YOUNGER than Little Adam, but catching UP with him.

The underlings are frantically getting ready for the launch party. Babe is there all of five minutes or less and then she stomps out, saying she'll be back later. She goes home to fume and have sex with JAR. These people have severe ADD (except for the parts they are obsessed about, of course).

Kendall is being such a stone cold BITCH to Babe and Amanda. She's REALLY overdue for a major humbling.

They really need to invest in a kitchen for Tad and Krystal's house.

Robin "all the better for Kathy to brew up a potion in an easy-bake cauldron" Coutellier

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