Monday, September 15, 2008

BC - Wed, 9/10/08

Yeah, I'm about 3 days behind, but I'm getting there ...

Does Delamont County have any meaning to Pennsylvanians? Upon hearing about Josh, Greenlee jokingly asked Kendall if Josh was scattered all over it.

I don't know why Greenlee and Kendall are surprised about the bruises on Annie's arms that she's deceitfully blaming on Ryan -- God knows Ryan has grabbed both of THEM hard enough to leave bruises, and that's when he's being LOVING. I think it's TOTALLY believable that he would do that.

While I'm sure damage (and possibly even death) can result from being stabbed by a pair of Fiskers, they just don't really have that murderous cachet that nice old fashioned HEAVY STEEL scissors had. I mean, even if they were really dull and the screw was a little loose, you could probably give someone a slight concussion from the sheer (sheer -- okay, that's funny, even if it's just for ME) weight of them! A pair of Fiskers can barely hold a piece of paper down on a table-top when the fan flows in that direction, although that IS one of the BIGGEST pairs of Fiskers I've ever seen (what the hell are they cutting in that office that they need such a long pair of scissors?)

Richie is TOTALLY stealing the scene every time he and Annie are together! And he looks like he's having a lot of fun doing it!

Why arent't there screens on the bedroom window where Annie and Emma are sleeping at the Chandler mansion? Jesus, they must be being eaten alive by mosquitoes at night!

So then Annie lurks outside Greenlee's living room window. Greenlee doesn't have any screens on HER windows, either. Are times really THAT bad that rich people can't afford screens? And how is it that Annie can lurk outside a window to the PENTHOUSE?

Annie got a restraining order against Ryan, so what does Ryan do? Does he call a lawyer? No. Does he get anyone ELSE to intervene on his behalf? No -- he shows up, spitting mad and DEMANDING to see her, just like every OTHER hot-headed, abusive S.O. who ignores restraining orders. We usually read about them the next day when they are either arrested for murder (attempted or complete) or found dead after killing his S.O. and any other family members (including his own children) that have the bad luck to be in the vicinity.

I'm not sure in whom I'm more disappointed: Kendall for blatantly using sex to get Zach's full attention, distract him and force him to mellow and bond with her, or Zach for falling for it. OTOH, at least temporarily, she DID at least get him to think about something other than getting back at Josh for a few minutes; it's hard to be really angry when you've just had an orgasm, and it takes at least 5-10 minutes to stop feeling so mellow, and they didn't really get any cuddle-time on the edge of the desk, so it would probably take even less time for Zach to recover his wits.

Robin "Kendall's tailbone will probably require a doughnut pillow after that" Coutellier

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