Monday, November 3, 2008

BC - Mon, 11/3/08

While the music Bianca and Reese were dancing to was very romantic and gentle, it was also LOUD. It's no wonder the baby woke up. I had to turn the volume down every time they returned to the Slater living room, and I'm not even a cranky baby (well, MOST of the time, anyway ;-)

Gabrielle is supposed to be Reese's baby, too, and Reese JUST got there. Bianca has to leave the room to feed the baby. You'd think that Reese would want to watch and be a part of the bonding, but noooo, she just hangs out in the living room and lets Bianca take care of the women's work. Yes, Bianca is probably breastfeeding and is therefore required to feed the baby, but that doesn't mean Reese can't be part of the experience. Most new parents hover over their baby for the first few days, at least, marveling over every little coo and gurgle. This way she could be there to talk to Zach, of course, but it was a little contrived IMO.

Tad shows up in David's living room at Wildwind (no one ever knocks and no one ever locks their doors), telling him to leave Krystal alone. He asks why David can't stay away from his family. Excuse me? TAD and KRYSTAL are the ones who had taken it upon themselves to GO to DAVID's place. It's kind of hard to stay away from people when the very same people barge into your living room -- Pot, Kettle! It's probably just as well that Tad DID show up when he did, though -- he WELL knows Krystal's style of grief counseling.

Robin "come to Mama inDEED" Coutellier

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