Wednesday, November 5, 2008

BC - Wed, 11/5/08

JAR tells Little Adam to go wait in the car with Winifred. What has Winifred been up to? She moved out of Chandler mansion and in with Krystal after Adam left Krystal to deliver her baby alone on the floor. Since then we've only seen her once or twice, if that, and whenever there's a babysitter around, it's usually Corrina. If Winifred is waiting in JAR's car, does that mean she's moving to San Diego to be with them?

Randi just started working in an office only a month or two ago and now Erica orders her to set up a press conference with "all the major outlets". Damn, Randi's a fast learner! Most newbies to an office haven't quite mastered all the copy machine options by that time. She'll be running that place in NO TIME!

Krystal's daughter just DIED -- so why is Tad pushing her to be happy? We haven't really seen her break down until today, so it's not like she's wallowing (and I wouldn't blame her if she were).

Is it my imagination, or has MEK lost some weight? his face looks thinner.

Babe and JAR were not legally married at the time she died -- I don't think he has any legal standing as far as David using her name (changed to Hayward, which it NEVER was) on a new wing.

Did you notice that Kendall's expression had changed some for one of the scenes? At one point her head was "looking" more downward and she had just the slightest frown on her face. By the time the last scene rolled around, though, it was back to the usual blank expression. How much do you want to bet that within a day or so of her waking up she'll be walking around with no muscle atrophy whatsoever?

Robin "at least her face won't get wrinkled in the meantime, especially since they never bother to change her position" Coutellier

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