Tuesday, December 2, 2008

BC - Tue,12/2/08

Tidbit: The Info on my Tivo for today's episode starts out with "Bianco protects Erica at Fusion." Either it's a typo or someone who is dead sure that there is no such name as "Bianca" and took it upon themselves to change it. I had that happen once when someone deliberately changed my address on a form that *I* had filled out, changing my city name from "San Jose" to "San Hose" (and it was a change of address form for my paycheck).

Why is Taylor counting her situps out loud? Unless you're in a group situation where someone is keeping count for everyone, is that really necessary? Of course, then WE wouldn't know how many she had done, but really, it's a waste of precious air under stress.

Again, WHY is Taylor in the hospital? She is obviously quite strong and competent and mobile enough with the wheelchair and is not otherwise sick or impaired in any way other than her occasionally obnoxious personality and grating voice. She could easily manage somewhere other than the hospital. She could come in for PT or even have someone come to her home to do that and assist her in other ways. She was fine at the party and is now wheeling her way through a park to the boathouse. I call BOGUS on her continuing hospital stay.

The doctor told Zach to take Kendall home. He took that to mean home to die. Zach, as it turns out, is not accepting that, but once Ryan finds out that that is why Kendall was sent home, how long will it be before he claims full custody of Spike? From the time he finds out, it will most likely be five ... four ... three ...

Okay, NOW Krystal is looking like someone in mourning. Very little makeup on someone who normally trowels it on can make someone look somewhat blah and bedraggled.

Why is Greenlee watching Emma? She is the one person Annie hates with a passion, yet SHE is the one watching Emma. Given that all Emma has been put through, you'd think Ryan would make it a priority to spend a lot of time with her to reassure her that everything is all right, instead of pawning her off on Greenlee, who hardly knows her and takes her to work.

Well, we all knew it was only a matter of time before Krystal got up close and personal with David as part of he grief therapy. It doesn't matter if she's giving or receiving. It would be ironic if she got pregnant by him, considering she got pregnant by Tad while married to Adam because she was trying to cheer Tad up when Tad thought he had lost all hope of finding Kate/Kathy.

Is it my imagination or does that Red Wings shirt look like it's intended to fit a teenage girl? It's not particularly big and the wings look kind of capped. Oh wait, there are red sleeves, but it's mounted on a red background, so it gives the illusion that only the white part is the shirt. Someone should have thought of that before mounting it in that frame. It's still on the small side for a pro athlete, though.

I just told my son, a 2-time Iraqi vet about the guy playing Brot, and he says: "Hats off to AMC!"

Robin "It's a good thing" Coutellier

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