Friday, September 17, 2010

Fashion Is NOT Their Friend

Earlier I had mentioned Greenlees fetish shoes and the mess of a blouse that Bianca was wearing. Here are some screencaps of those fashion dos (they ARE apparently in fashion) and don'ts (just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do it).

Here are three views of Bianca's very long blouse*. Almost full length from a slightly side view, it's busy, but not TOO bad:

A closer look shows how busy and asymmetrical it is: one shoulder up, one shoulder down, ruffles going under the arm, ruffles and odd draping on the front, ruffles and odd draping down on the belly, etc. Hidden by the box and arm is a belt with either a buckle and/or bow-like protrusion on her left. The colors aren't quite right here -- the blouse is a little too rosy-yellow in these screencaps -- the blouse was more beige on TV.

And then there is the number one reason NOT to wear this blouse:

'Nuff said.

*previously referred to as a dress

Robin "a fashion don't" Coutellier

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