If Frankie is going to Iraq tomorrow, why IS he still working a the hospital? Even if he wasn't going to take the time off to spend with his loved ones, I know from experience with my son that he has a lot of last-minute prep work to do.
Look! Stuart LIVES!
That's probably the first time I saw Emma in a non-cute mode. She also seemed older than she generally portrays. It makes me wonder if she gets tired of pretending to act younger than she is, like Shirley Temple, who REALLY rankled at having to pretend to do the same.
Ryan tells Erica that he can't just LEAVE Emma overnight. EXCUSE ME? How many nights has she spent elsewhere without him? I'm guessing she's away overnight more often than they are under the same roof! What a hypocrite!
The babies playing Ian look like they could really BE children of Alica Minshew.
When Frankie was pretending to listen to Randi's heart with his stethoscope, did anyone else hear sounds like really loud stomach growling? Oh wait, that was Randi purring (on the heels of Frankie growling, which I had deciphered). I had to turn the sound up a lot higher to make the distinction with Randi, though, and it was kind funny what with the stethoscope involvement to think that their romantic interlude was being highlighted by internal gurgling
Aidan brings the police to Annie's room so she can tell them what happened to Tori. I can't BELIEVE how presumptuous he's being! For all he knows, Annie IS making it up or, at the very least, not remembering it accurately. You'd think he'd give her more than a few HOURS to process it all, not to mention have the doctors work with her on it. I hate to side with Ryan on anything, but he was ABSOLUTELY correct in keeping Annie at a distance. He SHOULD let her write a LETTER to Emma, though. That way Emma could at least have SOME kind of communication with her mother AND it could be screened. I toyed for a moment with the idea of a phone call, but then I realized that Annie could be unpredictable in that case. Sure enough, at the end of the episode she calls Emma and says she's going to see her soon; maybe even TONIGHT. But don't tell Daddy or anyone else! Considering Annie's escape history, Aidan's idiocy combined with his own escape-artist tendencies, and the fact that Annie was demanding to see Emma, Ryan was pretty stupid to leave town just now.
Okay, I REALLY liked Erica's meltdown! THAT is the Erica I've been missing! It's also a very REAL kind of thing to have happen considering all that pressure. I did NOT like Ryan's condescending look as he watched her, though.
Robin "what IS going on with Adam? I'm intrigued" Coutellier
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